Anthropology for business growth

It doesn't matter the business challenge, we'll solve it together

You need the right information to step up your game. You need ad hoc quality research tailor-made for your products, needs and people.

It doesn't matter the business challenge, we'll solve it together

You need the right information to step up your game. You need ad hoc quality research just held for your products, needs and people.

Hipopótamo Hipopotesis

Our founders are social anthropologists, and that’s telling a lot about our vision and our methodology.

We use ethnography to design the best way to answer your questions, validate your hipothesis and help you achieve your business objectives. 

We love qualitative research cause it goes deep in the answers, and we use quantitative research to see the big picture. That’s our mixed method way of research. 

We don’t answer everything using all kind of surveys, as our competition does. We use surveys as a support technique, representing just the 10% of our wide range of  techniques.

We love absorbing everything our participants have to teach us, and we love to share it with you so you can be so much closer to your public.

How can we help

Explore the 5 areas we help you with

Everything can be improved through a better understanding of the experiences we live.
Our experience services
Great strategy equals great human research, from marketing to cultural differencies.
Our strategy services
Products and Services are much more succesful when good research is conducted.
Our design services
Future is always here. Don't miss the relevant shifting paradigms.
Our trends services
Let's cause the lowest negative impact to the planet and society. Let's lead with great example.
Our impact services
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I am item content. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Everything can be improved through a better understanding of the experiences we live.

Our experience services

Great strategy equals great human research, from marketing to cultural differencies.
Our strategy services
Products and Services are much more succesful when good research is conducted.
Our design services
Future is always here. Don't miss the relevant shifting paradigms.
Our trends services
Let's cause the lowest negative impact to the planet and society. Let's lead with great example.
Our impact services
Coming Soon

You might need a research instructor for your people

If you need training for your employees, you are a startup accelerator or teach newcomers to the world of company/product building, we have tailored training for you.

You will love it.

Coming Soon

Our lovely startups

If you are a startup, a small company, or a project trying to validate your idea, your market, your product, or your services, you have to take a look at this page.

Trust us.

Patterns & Trends

Trends are one of the most moving-forward forces of businesses and people, and many times determine the direction they go. The problem is that a lot of times they are not looking at here-to-stay trends, they are looking at transient trends, passing fashions and fads.

It's crucial to be in the world of today and to update, but you have to do it based on data, patterns, and real shifting paradigms.

Patterns & Trends

Trends are one of the most moving-forward forces of businesses and people, and many times determine the direction they go. The problem is that a lot of times they are not looking at here-to-stay trends, they are looking at transient trends, passing fashions and fads.

It's crucial to be in the world of today and to update, but you have to do it based on data, patterns, and real shifting paradigms.

No one can predict the future, but research can show you the way to strong shifting paradigms.

In order to be relevant in the eyes of your clients or some groups of society, you need to be inserted in the contexts of their realities. You need to be awake and address the issues they face to stay culturally relevant. 

What will we do?

Qual. + Quant. Research | Shop Alongs | In-depth interviews | A day in the life | Contextual observation | Group discussions & activities | Virtual ethnography | Real-life tests | Buyer Personas | Customer Blueprints | Customer Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different ways, from videos to presentations or workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your actual cultural relevance and how to improve it:

  1. Are you an important voice for some groups of society?. #BeOutThere
  2. Do you address the issues your people are living? #Empathy
  3. Why are your target customers listening to someone else instead of you?  #ALookAtTheMirror
  4. Are you a company of today or a yesterday company?. #Update
  5. How are your messages and your actions being received by the public? #StunningDiscoveries

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information you will know how you are being seen in different sectors of society, and you will know in what direction you need to update in order to stay relevant to your people. 

There’s nothing more absurd and frustrating than a company trying to stay alive with the same techniques, messages, images, technology, rules, and actions that they had decades ago. Social live changes and your company must too to stay culturally relevant.

We are seeing how this XXI century has been offering us new paradigms in different areas. The digital age, the possibilities of connectivity, and everything our fourth industrial revolution is bringing. If you don’t identify these changes before they are a social reality, you are late and out of the new game rules. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual observation | Group discussions & activities | A day in the life| Real workplace tests | Employee Segmentation | Employee Journeys | Experiments | Serious Games

We’ll share all the insights with you in different ways, from videos to presentations or workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about the shifting paradigms that affect you and how you can adapt:

  1. Is my industry shifting to a new paradigm and I’m still in the past? #ChangeIsGood
  2. What has deeply changed in the world that can affect directly to my business? #ContextAdaptation
  3. Why do I have to adapt to the new paradigm? #Don’tStayBehind
  4. Am I running after fads, hypes, and fashions or am I focusing on deep cultural changes? #Don’tGetLost
  5. How do your community expect you to adapt to this new paradigm shift? #Community’sVoice

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information you will know what tendencies are worthy to follow and where are the superficial changes. You have to look to the long-term shifting and rediscover yourself there, don’t lose focus following fads and fashions.

When you identify what shifting paradigms affect your business and how you must adapt to them, you are ready to stay relevant to your community and to live healthy much more years.

Every industry, included the one you are in, is constantly innovating, changing, and adapting. You need to know what are the relevant innovations in your sector in order to overtake your competitors and fulfill the new demands of the consumers. 

What will we do?

Qual. + Quant. Research | In-depth interviews | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Investors Segmentation | Investors Blueprints | Investors Journeys | Experiments |

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your industry competitors and how you can overtake them: 

  1. What are your competitors doing that is relevant for your consumers and you’re not? #KnowYourCompetitors
  2. Which are the direct or indirect innovations that are shaping the future of your industry? #NewPaths
  3. Why is your industry changing and how you can adapt? #DiscoverWhy
  4. What do your customers expect from your industry to change? #DeepListening
  5. What are the professionals and new technologies that you need to have to innovate? #NewEnergies

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed, useful, and actionable information you will know exactly how you need to innovate in order to move in the right direction. Your industry is changing, but not every company is focusing on the right innovations. 

You will be one of the lucky few that know where to focus to innovate in your industry reducing the waste of time, energy, and money. 

There are a lot of fads, fast fashions, and short-term trends that divert your attention to the relevant long-term trends. You need to focus on the meaningful trends, the ones that are really shaping society and affecting your competitiveness. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual Observation | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Suppliers Segmentation | Suppliers Blueprints | Suppliers Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about the meaningful long-term trends that you need to follow in your industry:

  1. What believes of the future do your company has and follows? #ImaginedFutures
  2. Are the innovation goals your company has relevant to the future of your company and your community? #RelevantGoals
  3. When you followed trends in the past, where did they lead you? #ReviseYourHistory
  4. Why does your company need to follow a trend over another? #TrueValue
  5. What are you thinking and what are your consumers thinking? #ThinkingSinc
  6. How to identify relevant trends from irrelevant ones with too much noise? #TrainedEye


How is this going to help you?

With all this detailed, useful, and actionable information, you will follow the trend(s) that really mean something to society, to your industry, to your company, and to your future. 

When you disperse and don’t know what trends are relevant to follow and what trends are just too much noise in the air, you are more likely to take wrong decisions that lead you to a dead end.

What to expect working with us?

We’ll meet several times to build a great customized briefing for you, including: hypotheses, challenges, past history, present and vision, questions, and objectives.  

Once the briefing is well-designed we will give you a customized quote, including: the time it will take for us to do the work, how many people do we need, how much it will cost, and what deliverables and results you will have.

After the quote is approved and the first payment is made, we are ready to start working.
We will do our job the best we can during the period we established. Here is where we get our hands dirty, expect: interviews, workshops, serious games, experiments, etc.

After all, fieldwork is done and different kinds of techniques are applied, expect the final deliverables from our side. While working in the prior phase, we’ve been presenting partial results, but now it’s time for final and global insights to really boost your company. 

If needed, depending on the nature of the service, we will be there for you after the research is done for monitoring and evaluation, to make sure everything is fine, and to keep contributing the best we can.

What our hippo Hype think:

Hipopótamo Hipopotesis

The word trend is trendy like in a trending topic, but it’s also misused. For us, a trend is not a fad, it refers to the mid and long-term, not to a shiny event of today. You need to take a deep breath and observe quietly while your competitors run to “the next big thing”. The moves you make must go in the right direction, all your investments must point to real shifting paradigms. 

A shifting paradigm is what really matters in the long term. Don’t lose your mind following the dancing fireflies, be sure that they will be gone at dawn. Invest in what is worthy for your business.

Do you want to
better the trends
you pursue?

Or call us if you need anything else

Business Design

Everything has been designed by someone, either they did it more or less consciously. Every design has its limitations, its pros, and its cons. From your business model to the space you eat in.

The more you practice conscious design, the best results you'll get. You'll develop a trained eye for good design in the areas you need it.

Business Design

Everything has been designed by someone, either they did it more or less consciously. Every design has its limitations, its pros, and its cons. From your business model to the space you eat in.

The more you practice conscious design, the best results you'll get. You'll develop a trained eye for good design in the areas you need it.

Everything we create has been designed, and every design has an impact.

Businesses are designed from initial ideas to day-to-day operations. Designing a business is not a one-time job, is a continuous process that goes along with you forever. To stay relevant you need to review and update your business model. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual Observation | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Suppliers Segmentation | Suppliers Blueprints | Suppliers Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your actual business design and how to improve it:

  1. Does your business model still relevant today? #BusinessRelevance
  2. How can you design a more profitable and attractive business model? #NewBeginnings
  3. Are your consumers going to accept your innovations and changes?  #RealFeedback
  4. How should you redesign your business for today’s world? #RelevantDesigns

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information, you will review your actual business model and will know how to redesign it for today’s world. Also, you will understand how the changes will impact your stakeholders.

When you redefine your business model, everything will be simpler for everyone, clearer, and more relevant. If you need to redesign who you are in today’s world, you’re not alone. 

Digital products have exploded and are everywhere. If your business has an app, a website, a blog, software, or a SaaS, you have a digital product. When designing it, you need to take into account how their users are using it, how is their experience, and how frustrating is to do, to see, or to reach some things. From UX to UI, everything counts. 

What will we do?

Qual. + Quant. Research | Shop Alongs | In-depth interviews | A day in the life | Contextual observation | Group discussions & activities | Virtual ethnography | Real-life tests | Buyer Personas | Customer Blueprints | Customer Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different ways, from videos to presentations or workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your users’ experiences with your digital products:

  1. How is your digital product being used?. #Usability
  2. What experiences are your users having with your digital product?  #RealExperiences
  3. How can you improve your digital products to stay relevant and competitive? #BetterExperiences
  4. What do your users think can be improved and what should be eliminated?. #DeepListening

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information you will dramatically improve the experience and usability your users have with your digital products.

We all know that the future is digital, but if the digital experiences you provide are not good enough, people will go somewhere else. 

Physical products have been and will always be important for people. Future draws fusions between digital and physical products and makes them smart and connected. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual observation | Group discussions & activities | A day in the life| Real workplace tests | Employee Segmentation | Employee Journeys | Experiments | Serious Games

We’ll share all the insights with you in different ways, from videos to presentations or workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about the experiences your physical products provide to your users:

  1. Why do your users really need your product? #RealMeanings
  2. How are the different uses they give to your product, and why? #Purposes
  3. Where are your design flaws in terms of desirability, functionality, and rentability? #WeakPoints
  4. What do your users love/hate more about your product(s)? #MixedFeelings
  5. What they suggest you can change in order to be more efficient, more ordered, and less chaotic? #UsersVoice

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information you will increase the sales, desirability, functionality, and design of your products. Conversing, looking closely, accompanying, and listening deeply to your users, is the best way to improve the overall results of your products. 

Building and marketing great products are too long, expensive, and complex; increase your success rate working with us. 

Services are the cornerstone of the experience between brands and customers. A good service can be an added value that makes people chose you or the main value proposal that makes you different. Listening to the people you serve is the key to successful services. 

What will we do?

Qual. + Quant. Research | In-depth interviews | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Investors Segmentation | Investors Blueprints | Investors Journeys | Experiments |

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about how people experience your services and how to improve them:

  1. What are the experiences your customers have when they enjoy a service you bring them? #ServiceExperience
  2. Do your customers understand what services you provide and how to benefit from them? #ServiceUnderstanding
  3. What part of your services do your people like/dislike? #TrueStories
  4. Are your services good enough versus your competition? #PerceivedValue
  5. What do your customers think you can do to improve your services? #DeepListening

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information you will improve the satisfaction your customers have with your services. They will have better experiences, will recommend you to other people, will increase your retention ratio, and will build better relationships.  

No matter who your public is, they will thank you for thinking about them and crafting better solutions with them.

We don’t experience the world in a void, we experience everything in concrete spaces and concrete times. We say that context is everything, and in order for your people to have better experiences, you have to think thoroughly about how the spaces you provide to them affect their feelings about your brand. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual Observation | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Suppliers Segmentation | Suppliers Blueprints | Suppliers Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about how your people experience the spaces you provide and how to improve them:

  1. Are you making good use of the spaces you have? #RethinkingSpaces
  2. How is the design of your spaces affecting the people who use them? #DeepObservation
  3. How do your space users think you can improve the design to be more functional, understandable, comfortable, and memorable? #UsersVoice
  4. What do your users like/dislike more of your spaces and why? #HonestSharing
  5. How are your spaces guiding your users to do the things they need to do? #PathDrowing

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information, you will improve your space users’ experiences. That will bring you more satisfied customers, less stressed ones, and better word of mouth. 

Your business needs well-designed spaces in order to step up the game and be more competitive, seek excellence, and have truly happy and satisfied customers. 

In order to be useful, products, services, and spaces are governed by systems bigger than themselves. The system underlies is what brings real sense, meaning, functionality, and coherence to what we build. Designing a robust system is what will make you prevail. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual Observation | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Suppliers Segmentation | Suppliers Blueprints | Suppliers Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about the systems you already have or need to create, and how to improve them.

  1. Is your product part of a bigger coherent system or it’s isolated in a bubble from the reality of customers? #RealDiscoveries
  2. How can you improve the systems you already have a design? #BetterSystems
  3. Are you creating an ecosystem that your customers need and understand? #MeaningfulEcosystems
  4. What do your customers suggest to improve your systems? #DeepListening

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information, you will create or improve an existing system. The users, clients, and customers of your systems will understand much better your unique value proposition, your differentiation, and the logic behind what you build for them. 

We understand systems as complete experiences people have with what they interact with, to bring powerful simplicity to your products and services, you need a great system design.

What to expect working with us?

We’ll meet several times to build a great customized briefing for you, including: hypotheses, challenges, past history, present and vision, questions, and objectives.  

Once the briefing is well-designed we will give you a customized quote, including: the time it will take for us to do the work, how many people do we need, how much it will cost, and what deliverables and results you will have.

After the quote is approved and the first payment is made, we are ready to start working.
We will do our job the best we can during the period we established. Here is where we get our hands dirty, expect: interviews, workshops, serious games, experiments, etc.

After all, fieldwork is done and different kinds of techniques are applied, expect the final deliverables from our side. While working in the prior phase, we’ve been presenting partial results, but now it’s time for final and global insights to really boost your company. 

If needed, depending on the nature of the service, we will be there for you after the research is done for monitoring and evaluation, to make sure everything is fine, and to keep contributing the best we can.

What our hippo Hype think:

Hipopótamo Hipopotesis

The word design has been misunderstood for a long time. Design is not how physical objects look and feel; the design is everything from building the value proposal, the business model, or the relationships with your customers, to the ease of use, the functionality, the meaning, and even the experiences we live. 

If you want your business to flourish, you need to be conscious about how you design everything. Remember that if you don’t design it consciously, it will be designed unconsciously, and you’ll have no idea of the effects and experiences is causing, good or bad. 

Do you want to
better the designs
you build?

Or call us if you need anything else

Business Strategy

Actionable strategy is everything. From insight-based marketing decisions to meaningful ad campaigns. From knowing the value of your competition to acknowledging the cultural differences of your client segments and geographies.

We all know that culture is much powerful than strategy and that we need tactics that lead to our objectives. Let's rethink your strategy together.

Business Strategy

Actionable strategy is everything. From insight-based marketing decisions to meaningful ad campaigns. From knowing the value of your competition to acknowledging the cultural differences of your client segments and geographies.

We all know that culture is much powerful than strategy and that we need tactics that lead to our objectives. Let's rethink your strategy together.

Your strategy is as powerful as your company culture

Marketing is the key to success for many businesses. For your consumers, marketing is almost everything they get from you. They might don’t know about your numbers, your strategy, or your employees, but they surely know about your products, your branding, your look & feel, and your messages to them. Without a great marketing strategy, you both will have a hard time understanding each other.

What will we do?

Qual. + Quant. Research | Shop Alongs | In-depth interviews | A day in the life | Contextual observation | Group discussions & activities | Virtual ethnography | Real-life tests | Buyer Personas | Customer Blueprints | Customer Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different ways, from videos to presentations or workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about the impact of your internal and external marketing efforts:

  1. Do your employees and customers understand your brand? #Empathy
  2. What do people like and dislike more about your brand? #TrueFeelings
  3. Who are your client segments and what do they need from you? #Diversity
  4. Where are the weakest point of your funnel and how can you improve your ROI? #NewMeanings
  5. Can your employees and customers describe your value proposition? #SharedValue

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information you will know much better who your different kinds of customers are, what they think about you and how to change your strategy to increase your engagement and return of investment. 

You cannot have a great marketing strategy if you don’t know your people in detail. 

Being different from your competitors doesn’t necessarily mean being better than them. You have to be better than them at something, and that is what makes you different. The more you know your competitors, the best you can beat them.  

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual observation | Group discussions & activities | A day in the life| Real workplace tests | Employee Segmentation | Employee Journeys | Experiments | Serious Games

We’ll share all the insights with you in different ways, from videos to presentations or workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your competitors:

  1. In the eyes of your customers, are your competitors better than you? #TrueStory
  2. Are you really different from your competitors?  #Differentiation
  3. Where does your company shine and where do you have your best opportunities? #BlueOcean
  4. Do you really know what your direct and indirect competitors are and what are they doing? #GreatSourpises

How is this going to help you?

Getting to know your competitors is one of the best things you can do to stand out. Not just who they are and what are they doing, but also why their customers choose them instead of you. 

Looking for new blue oceans is not always easy, and standing out in what you do isn’t either. After our research, you will have your competitors’ strategy clearer and you will have a stronger dominance of the market share. 

Advertising is one of the key actions your company has to take to get its customers out there. All advertising efforts have to be aligned with your marketing strategy and your business strategy, if not, the incoherence will become in revenue losses and confusion to your public. 

What will we do?

Qual. + Quant. Research | In-depth interviews | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Investors Segmentation | Investors Blueprints | Investors Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about the effectiveness of your advertising strategy:

  1. Does your audience recognize your ads as different from other companies?  #Differenciation
  2. Have you find your own style, voice, message, and look & feel in the eyes of your audience? #MoreDifferenciation
  3. Is your money well invested in advertising following your actual strategy? #ROI
  4. What does your audience think, feel and understand after you advertise? #DeepListening
  5. How can you change the way you make advertising so it has the impact you’re looking for? #NewBeginnings  

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information you will know what your customers think about you through your advertising, and what they expect to see from you. Your advertising strategy will be much more detailed and will be more effective, driving the business you are looking for. 

Good segmented advertising can be powerful, but it must be supported in real information about your audience. If you hurt their feelings or they feel misrepresented, your ROI might be in trouble.  

People are diverse and they have different cosmovisions. The same message, image, product, habit, or ad campaign might be successful to one group of people, and might be an insult to others. Diversity happens inside a town or country, not just outside your continent. Our globalized world makes it easy to reach a wide variety of geographies without too much effort. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual Observation | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Suppliers Segmentation | Suppliers Blueprints | Suppliers Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about how different groups of people react to your brand: 

  1. What do different groups of people think and feel about your products, services, or brand? #RealFeedback
  2. What’s the level of sensitiveness of your different audiences? #Empathy
  3. What are the tabus your brand is surrounded with and who is feeling what? #HarshConversations
  4. How could you please those client segments more sensitive, so they buy your products without guilt or anger? #RealFeelings
  5. How could you define a better identity so your audience knows what to expect from you? #BrandPromises.

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information, you will know much better who you are in the world, who you are speaking to, and what is your public identity. Your audience will understand better who you are and what to expect from your brand. 

We all have different backgrounds, educations, systems of beliefs, and experiences in this world, so your brand cannot please everyone. It’s important that you define your products, adapt them well to different audiences and define your identity to be more accepted by the people who need you. 

Your brand is the face the world sees of your company. Nothing is more important than knowing how your audience sees you. More commonly than we might think, our customers don’t really understand what we stand for, why we are different, what makes us unique, or what is our voice and messages. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual Observation | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Suppliers Segmentation | Suppliers Blueprints | Suppliers Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about how your brand is really perceived: 

  1. Is your brand known amongst your client segments? #BrandAwareness
  2. How is your brand perceived by your audience and by other people? #BrandPerception
  3. Do you have a consistent design system that you can apply in different formats? #BrandConsistency
  4. Is your brand perceived as coherent internally and externally? #Coherence
  5. How can you build a solid brand strategy that drives you to where you want to be? #NewBeginnings

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information, you will know for a fact how your audience sees you, what they think and feel about your brand, what incoherences are there and how can you improve your global branding strategy internally and externally.  

One thing is knowing that your brand is out there competing, and one another is knowing what your audience speaks well about you. Understanding the weaknesses of your branding will make your brand strategy more solid. 

What to expect working with us?

We’ll meet several times to build a great customized briefing for you, including: hypotheses, challenges, past history, present and vision, questions, and objectives.  

Once the briefing is well-designed we will give you a customized quote, including: the time it will take for us to do the work, how many people do we need, how much it will cost, and what deliverables and results you will have.

After the quote is approved and the first payment is made, we are ready to start working.
We will do our job the best we can during the period we established. Here is where we get our hands dirty, expect: interviews, workshops, serious games, experiments, etc.

After all, fieldwork is done and different kinds of techniques are applied, expect the final deliverables from our side. While working in the prior phase, we’ve been presenting partial results, but now it’s time for final and global insights to really boost your company. 

If needed, depending on the nature of the service, we will be there for you after the research is done for monitoring and evaluation, to make sure everything is fine, and to keep contributing the best we can.

What our hippo Hype think:

Hipopótamo Hipopotesis

Strategy is just a not-validated vision of your company. Is the future you want to achieve, but it needs to be grounded up. For most companies, strategy is just hope and good intentions.

For us, strategy is a concrete path to be walked with your people. To walk that path, you need a culture that helps you, a vision that guides you, and people who believe in you. 

Do you want to
better your brand

Or call us if you need anything else

Positive Impact

We owe society, the environment, and animals a good footprint. We can't just earn money at all costs. We need to be responsible, which is a must in this high-impact economic world.

Your company is a social, political, and economical statement. The more you take care of the world around you, the more you became a respectful leader to follow.

Positive Impact

We owe society, the environment, and animals a good footprint. We can't just earn money at all costs. We need to be responsible, which is a must in this high-impact economic world.

Your company is a social, political, and economical statement. The more you take care of the world around you, the more you became a respectful leader to follow.

All activities have an impact. Let's make yours a better one.

Your company might be so big and wealthy that you have so much money in your hands, and that’s a big responsibility. The more money goes in, the more money that has to be dealt with, redistributed, and taken care of. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual Observation | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Suppliers Segmentation | Suppliers Blueprints | Suppliers Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about how your wealth affects your stakeholders:

  1. Are you paying enough to your employees or are they receiving a poor salary? #EmployeeExperience
  2. Who goes down when you decide to stop some activity or to make some cuts? #EconomicImpact
  3. How economically satisfied are the people that are dependent on you directly or indirectly? #EconomicalDependence
  4. Are you investing your money to create a great impact on different levels? #ConsciousInvestments
  5. Who is earning ridiculous amounts of money and why and who is earning just to keep living? #RethinkingPayments

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed, useful, and actionable information, you will have a greater and deeper picture of the use and impact of your finances. Not only do your employees depend on you, and you in them, also your suppliers, vendors, investors, and clients.  

When you make a move, a lot of people get affected directly or indirectly, so it’s better to rethink twice what will be the effects of your choices. Economic disorders are so frequent and brutal to families that you can try your best to mitigate those effects. People will deeply thank you. 

No matter the industry you are in, it’s almost sure that you are going to have some technological impact. In a globalized hyper-connected world, digital coins mining or stone mining, transports or farming, have a direct or indirect impact on technology. We live in a chain economy, everything’s related and interconnected. 

What will we do?

Qual. + Quant. Research | In-depth interviews | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Investors Segmentation | Investors Blueprints | Investors Journeys | Experiments |

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your share of technological impact and how to benefit from it:

  1. Which of the technologies you develop are game-changers and how are they impacting the world?  #PowerfulTech
  2. Are your actions making technology more user-friendly and useful or are you complicating things? #UserExperience
  3. What do your people think about the technology you design? #DeepListening
  4. Is your activity making technology more accessible, secure, transparent, inclusive, or human?. #HealthyTech

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed, useful and, actionable information you will understand better what’s the technological role your company plays in the big scenario, and how can you improve some processes to make it more useful and human.

Technology plays a big role in our hyper-connected world and your company must take a step forward in order to make it more useful, easier, more accessible, transparent, inclusive, secure, reliable, and human. 

Depending on your activity, you’re always going to impact positively or negatively on some groups of people or others. It’s true that you can’t please everyone, but you can mitigate the worst effects of your activities. 

What will we do?

Qual. + Quant. Research | Shop Alongs | In-depth interviews | A day in the life | Contextual observation | Group discussions & activities | Virtual ethnography | Real-life tests | Buyer Personas | Customer Blueprints | Customer Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different ways, from videos to presentations or workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about the impact you have on different groups of people, and how to mitigate the worst ones: 

  1. Is your company negatively impacting some groups of people directly? Can you mitigate it? #SilentVoices
  2. What are your stakeholders saying about the impact you have on them? It’s positive, neutral, or negative? #SocialImpact
  3. According to your people, on average, is your company a role model or a runaway model? #RoleModeling
  4. What groups of people are getting what impact from you? Are you aware of your importance to people? #ImpactMatters

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed, useful and, actionable information you will understand better what is your social footprint on this planet. What are people saying about you? Why are they saying it? Is it justified? Can you do better to have a greater impact on different groups of people? 

People need to feel respected, listened to, and protected. Your company, as an impactful entity, must concern about the social effects its activity has. If not, you are failing a lot of people that deserve to be taken care of, and you will be contributing to making the world a little bit harsher. Let’s make life easier for people. 

All life forms deserve to live the better possible life on this planet, or in the next ones we expand. Your company’s activity might be impacting other life forms directly or indirectly, like plants and animals; if that’s the case, you need to lower the negative impact. They can’t protect themselves against us, we need to take care of them. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual Observation | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Suppliers Segmentation | Suppliers Blueprints | Suppliers Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your positive and negative life impact and how to create a better life protection environment:

  1. How is your company directly or indirectly affecting life on our planet? #MappingImpact
  2. Is there any major life changes your activity caused in some area? #DeepObservation
  3. What groups of animals and plants have been and are negatively affected by your activity? #Awareness
  4. What can you do to mitigate the negative effects and to preserve and protect life? #ActiveResponsability
  5. Is there anything you can do to go further and improve animal and plants conditions? #StepFurther

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed, useful, and game-changing information, you will be more aware of your life impact footprint, and you will have the opportunity to mitigate the negative effects your activity has on them. 

If you promote correctly these good actions your company is taking part in, your company will lead the way for other companies and we all be contributing to a better life on this planet. Your stakeholders will respect you for that and you will attract more informed consumers, investors, journalists, and in summary, you’ll have better impact and results. 

It’s not new that our planet is suffering the effects of the massive industrialization of the world. Your company can (and must) do its bit to lower its environmental footprint at all possible levels. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual observation | Group discussions & activities | A day in the life| Real workplace tests | Employee Segmentation | Employee Journeys | Experiments | Serious Games

We’ll share all the insights with you in different ways, from videos to presentations or workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your environmental footprint and how to reduce it for the good of our planet. 

  1. Does any of your activities have an important environmental impact? #LowImpacts
  2. What changes can you make without compromising quality? #SeamlessChange
  3. What new politics can your company take internally and externally to minimize its environmental impact? #RelevantSteps
  4. What do your employees and customers think you can improve to reduce your impact? #DeepListening
  5. In what areas you can try harder to release positive environmental impact? #NegativeToPositive

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed, useful, and game-changing information you will have a clear image of the areas in which your company impacts more negatively to the environment, and what actions you can take to lower it. 

From your offices to your factory, from your products to your communications, there’s always room to improve your environmental footprint and to stand out from the rest, for the good. 

What to expect working with us?

We’ll meet several times to build a great customized briefing for you, including: hypotheses, challenges, past history, present and vision, questions, and objectives.  

Once the briefing is well-designed we will give you a customized quote, including: the time it will take for us to do the work, how many people do we need, how much it will cost, and what deliverables and results you will have.

After the quote is approved and the first payment is made, we are ready to start working.
We will do our job the best we can during the period we established. Here is where we get our hands dirty, expect: interviews, workshops, serious games, experiments, etc.

After all, fieldwork is done and different kinds of techniques are applied, expect the final deliverables from our side. While working in the prior phase, we’ve been presenting partial results, but now it’s time for final and global insights to really boost your company. 

If needed, depending on the nature of the service, we will be there for you after the research is done for monitoring and evaluation, to make sure everything is fine, and to keep contributing the best we can.

What our hippo Hype think:

Hipopótamo Hipopotesis

Everything we do has an impact on different levels, and the effects can be difficult to trace. To impact means to alter reality somehow in a specific depth, for the better or for the worse. 

If you have a successful business, then you can work on mapping the social, environmental, technological, and life effects your activities cause. Once you identify your weakest points, is time to solve them efficiently.  

Do you want to
better the impact
you cause?

Or call us if you need anything else


We want them to get to us

A relevant store chain in the DIY market was looking to increase their brand awareness in the Spanish speaking market and connecting their brand to home décor. 

The store chain was consolidated in other markets but was struggling to reach its demographic in Spain. They needed to connect to their target and make a name for themselves as a reference in DIY for homeowners. They wanted to build loyalty and grow their presence. 

Our mission was, in the first place, help them connect to their target and then, discover the best channels and strategies to better their brand recognition. 


Can we design a transition to the university that reduces uncertainty and increases academic success?

The education department (SED) of one of the biggest cities in Colombia faced the challenge of discovering what was happening in the short period of time high school students had to decide whether they were going to go to university. This was a concern because universities reported a growing issue of academic failure during the first year of studying. 

The education department wanted to understand which factors played a role during the decision-making process, knowing which elements influenced the decision towards choosing a university degree and what could be done to make that decision faster, less confusing, and resulting in less academic failure (meaning better academic results and less university withdrawal after the first year).

Our job was to gather insight on the transition from high school to university and help re-design solutions to help students, SED, and local universities. We collaborated with a local social innovation non-profit organization. 


We don’t have a brick and mortar shop and our clients forget about us

A fast growing online supermarket, competing for relevancy contacted us when they detected an ongoing problem: a new client would log in their platform, shopped once and rated the app positively but would not return to shop again. 

The mysterious happy client who would not come back forced them to invest resources in customer acquisition. They could not keep costumer in spite of having quantitative data to prove customer satisfaction. 

Our mission was ambitious: map out both new and loyal customer profiles, build their shopping journey, understand their traditional supermarket shopping process, find key touchpoints, and perform UX tests to help us increase retention in the platform. 


Shopping in digital times

A San Francisco based design firm asked us to design and execute an ambitious project for an online shopping giant. The initial research question was “¿how do consumers navigate between virtual shops and brick and mortar shops when purchasing something of value?”.

The value participant placed on their purchases was mainly emotional: a new car, their dream T.V or a music system they had been saving for. 

Our mission was to find relevant insights during the on/offline shopping process, discovering and understanding the touchpoint where both shopping paths met. We had to comprehend what made participants decide to shop on or offline. 

Human Experience

Our lives are a sum-up of experiences, good and mediocre. Together, let's offer good memorable experiences to our people. We are going to make your brand stand out from the rest.

To boost the performance of your company, you need to improve the stakeholders' experience as a whole. If your customers are happy with your products and services but your employees are miserable, you have a problem that needs to be addressed.

Human Experience

Our lives are a sum-up of experiences, good and mediocre. Together, let's offer good memorable experiences to our people. We are going to make your brand stand out from the rest.

To boost the performance of your company, you need to improve the stakeholders' experience as a whole. If your customers are happy with your products and services but your employees are miserable, you have a problem that needs to be addressed.

People are diverse and we help them enjoy better experiences

No company goes on without clients, and bad experiences will make them run away while shouting out loud how bad you are. They can become your worst ad campaign, one difficult to overcame.

What will we do?

Qual. + Quant. Research | Shop Alongs | In-depth interviews | A day in the life | Contextual observation | Group discussions & activities | Virtual ethnography | Real-life tests | Buyer Personas | Customer Blueprints | Customer Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different ways, from videos to presentations or workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your customers:

  1. Why do they like or not your products and services? #Empathy
  2. How do they use them? #RealUses
  3. What do they have to say about them? #DeepListening
  4. What alternative uses do they give them? #NewMeanings

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information you will improve your products and create something everyone is waiting for, reducing a lot of undesirable risks. 

It doesn’t matter if your product is physical, digital, or both,  your users, clients, and customers will be more satisfied with them as part of the global experience of your brand.

No company goes on without clients, and bad experiences will make them run away while shouting out loud how bad you are. They can become your worst ad campaign, one difficult to overcame.

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual observation | Group discussions & activities | A day in the life| Real workplace tests | Employee Segmentation | Employee Journeys | Experiments | Serious Games

We’ll share all the insights with you in different ways, from videos to presentations or workshops.

What will you discover?

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your employees:

  1. Are your employees happy or not in their workplace? #RealFeelings
  2. What do they enjoy the most and what do they hate the most? #Honesty
  3. What do they think can be improved so their experience working for you is better? #HardFeedback
  4. How you can modify the culture so everyone is happier, more loyal, and more efficient? #CulturalShifting
  5. What they suggest you can change in order to be more efficient, more ordered, and less chaotic? #EmployeesVoice

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information you will have much more engaged and grateful employees, you will improve dramatically your internal processes and management should be much easier. 

You will improve the global employee experience with your brand, from recruiting to onboarding and from benefits to objectives.

If you want to keep growing, you have to map and improve the experiences your investors are having with your company. 

What will we do?

Qual. + Quant. Research | In-depth interviews | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Investors Segmentation | Investors Blueprints | Investors Journeys | Experiments |

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your investors and will help you improve:

  1. Why they chose you in the first place? #DecisionMaking
  2. What different investing strategies do they apply and why? #Segmentation
  3. What do they expect from your company in terms of vision, mission, values, and growth? #RealFollowers
  4. How can you improve the way you share information with them? #NewMeanings
  5. How do they think you can do better business and what practices to avoid? #DeepListening

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information you will improve your relationship with your investors, will give clearer information to help them make decisions, and will improve your company thanks to their valuable feedback based on their thorough analysis and historical tracking. 

You will improve your onboarding process for investors, making it better than your competitors’. Your communication with them will be more transparent and clearer, and their communication with you will be more simple and clear as well. Thanks to this you will achieve investors that recommend you and will stay with you longer while investing more. 

Suppliers might be or not be happy with you. If you build a great relationship based on transparency and a win-win game, you might discover one of the best allies in your suppliers. 

What will we do?

Qual. Research | In-depth interviews | Contextual Observation | Virtual ethnography | Social media observation | Group discussions & activities | Suppliers Segmentation | Suppliers Blueprints | Suppliers Journeys | Experiments

We’ll share all the insights with you in different creative and effective ways, from powerful & boring reports to videos, presentations, or even customized workshops.

What will you discover? 

All this ad hoc research will give you in-depth knowledge about your suppliers and will help you improve:

  1. What do they like and dislike about working with you? #RealFeedback
  2. How do they think can serve you better and what to avoid? #DeepListening
  3. How can you improve your relationship on both sides? #HumanConnections
  4. How do they think you can stand out from competitors they also serve? #HonestSharing
  5. Why both sides should work on new win-win agreements? #NewBeginnings

How is this going to help you?

With all that detailed and rich information, you will improve your relationship with your suppliers, find better ones in some cases, explore new agreements and build trust with them. 

Your suppliers will work happier with you and vice-versa, having a more honest and transparent relationship. Your work with them will make you stand out for good from the others and will give you a competitive advantage.

What to expect working with us?

We’ll meet several times to build a great customized briefing for you, including: hypotheses, challenges, past history, present and vision, questions, and objectives.  

Once the briefing is well-designed we will give you a customized quote, including: the time it will take for us to do the work, how many people do we need, how much it will cost, and what deliverables and results you will have.

After the quote is approved and the first payment is made, we are ready to start working.
We will do our job the best we can during the period we established. Here is where we get our hands dirty, expect: interviews, workshops, serious games, experiments, etc.

After all, fieldwork is done and different kinds of techniques are applied, expect the final deliverables from our side. While working in the prior phase, we’ve been presenting partial results, but now it’s time for final and global insights to really boost your company. 

If needed, depending on the nature of the service, we will be there for you after the research is done for monitoring and evaluation, to make sure everything is fine, and to keep contributing the best we can.

What our hippo Hype think:

Hipopótamo Hipopotesis

Today, the concept of experience has been somehow kidnapped in the business world by digital products development. For us, experience is much broader than screen design, we apply it to humans experiencing our brand at any given touchpoint.

Good experiences are connected with meaning, with symbolism, with little gestures, but also with quality human connections. 

Do you want to
better the experiences
you offer?

Or call us if you need anything else

Now that you are thinking about contacting us, we're closer to getting to know each other and discover if we make a good fit.

This form allows us to have some initial information about you and what you are looking for. Based on that, we'll prepare a custom video call for your needs.

If you still not sure if you need us or not, or how exactly will he help you; this free online meeting will help you decide.

Now that you are thinking about contacting us, we're closer to getting to know each other and discover if we make a good fit.

This form allows us to have some initial information about you and what you are looking for. Based on that, we'll prepare a custom video call for your needs.

If you still not sure if you need us or not, or how exactly will he help you; this free online meeting will help you decide.

Expect this to happen

Fill up this form

This gives us initial info about who you are and what you’re looking for. You can pick the most convenient day and hour for our video call. 

Our online meeting

We have an online meeting

Based on the info you gave us on the form, we’ll prepare a custom presentation of our services for you. We’ll ask you about your problem and what you need to achieve, and we’ll give you a hint of how we could solve it

Your quote

We’ll present to you our custom research and will explain to you why we designed it like that and what you can expect from it. 

Research design

If both sides think it would be great to work together, then, based on our video call we’ll design a custom research to help you achieve your objectives. 

We start the job

After some tweaks and based on your approval, we’ll start the research in the time and shape we promised. Expect powerful insights and wonderful solutions.

1 | The form.
Let's do this.

1 | The form. Let's do this.

The more details you share now, the better we will customize our meeting.

Market Research

Market Research is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research disciplines and that focuses on improving different areas of business. It helps you discover who your customer is, at what price to sell your product, where to place your advertisement, or what is the best location and time of the year to sell more. 

Marketing Research focuses more on the marketing strategies and less on the market as a whole, although sometimes market and marketing research are used indistinctly.

In business

Businesses all over the world have used Market Research to improve their results, but they have focused too much on quantitative approaches. This is the best decade to apply a more qualitative approach to business. Anthropology, Lean, Agile, and Design Thinking are here to provide a fresh and powerful qualitative part to companies. 

Market Research should not be an isolated practice from time to time, but a way of work under the umbrella of continuous learning and improvement

Market Research

Market Research is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research disciplines and that focuses on improving different areas of business. It helps you discover who your customer is, at what price to sell your product, where to place your advertisement, or what is the best location and time of the year to sell more. 

Marketing Research focuses more on the marketing strategies and less on the market as a whole, although sometimes market and marketing research are used indistinctly.

In business

Businesses all over the world have used Market Research to improve their results, but they have focused too much on quantitative approaches. This is the best decade to apply a more qualitative approach to business. Anthropology, Lean, Agile, and Design Thinking are here to provide a fresh and powerful qualitative part to companies. 

Market Research should not be an isolated practice from time to time, but a way of work under the umbrella of continuous learning and improvement

Design Mindset

Design is everything and everywhere, from the website you are visiting to the chair you are sitting on. If the design process is well conducted, you’ll end up with very successful outputs. 

Human-Centered Design is a methodology that focuses on putting the users, consumers, clients or employees at the center of our design efforts, to have their active feedback throughout all the process. 

In business

Today, there’s a type of design that’s very widespread in companies; this is Design Thinking. It works with hypotheses to be validated through our social research. It’s a qualitative approach that uses group collaboration, interviews, groups discussions, and observations to understand the real problems and create the best creative solutions for a segment of people. 

It’s used when we have uncertainty about new products, services, or business models, and you need to know if it’s going to work, and how, investing just a few resources. 

Design Mindset

Design is everything and everywhere, from the website you are visiting to the chair you are sitting on. If the design process is well conducted, you’ll end up with very successful outputs. 

Human-Centered Design is a methodology that focuses on putting the users, consumers, clients or employees at the center of our design efforts, to have their active feedback throughout all the process. 

In business

Today, there’s a type of design that’s very widespread in companies; this is Design Thinking. It works with hypotheses to be validated through our social research. It’s a qualitative approach that uses group collaboration, interviews, groups discussions, and observations to understand the real problems and create the best creative solutions for a segment of people. 

It’s used when we have uncertainty about new products, services, or business models, and you need to know if it’s going to work, and how, investing just a few resources. 

Lean Philosophy

Lean is the Japanese methodology developed by the company Toyota to create their awesome cars with high-quality standards and reducing waste. Started with what’s known by Lean Manufacturing. 

Lean Philosophy is based on reducing all kinds of wastes when producing a product and trying to stay in constant communication with employees and customers, to discover what works and what doesn’t.

In business

Outside the manufacturing world, lean has exploded globally due to the older kaizen, and the recent lean startup movement, rooted in customer development, the kanban boards and the seek of our ikigai

Lean helps us to build business models, products, and services that are really needed by the consumers, thanks to its cycle of continuous improvement.

Lean Philosophy

Lean is the Japanese methodology developed by the company Toyota to create their awesome cars with high-quality standards and reducing waste. Started with what’s known by Lean Manufacturing. 

Lean Philosophy is based on reducing all kinds of wastes when producing a product and trying to stay in constant communication with employees and customers, to discover what works and what doesn’t.

In business

Outside the manufacturing world, lean has exploded globally due to the older kaizen, and the recent lean startup movement, rooted in customer development, the kanban boards and the seek of our ikigai

Lean helps us to build business models, products, and services that are really needed by the consumers, thanks to its cycle of continuous improvement.

Social Anthropology

Anthropology is a powerful academic social science discipline. In a nutshell, it studies groups of people cultures’. From their language to their worldview, identities, religion, politics, economics, ethics, relationships, etc.

Ethnography is the methodology it uses to make discoveries, with a handfull of techniques. 

In business

Applied to the corporate world, anthropologists study consumer behavior, user experience, culture organization, human-technology interaction, value propositions, business models, and much more.

Their insights are one of the most reliable and deep in the industry, due to their ability to build scientific social information. 

Social Anthropology

Anthropology is a powerful academic social science discipline. In a nutshell, it studies groups of people cultures’. From their language to their worldview, identities, religion, politics, economics, ethics, relationships, etc.

Ethnography is the methodology it uses to make discoveries, with a handfull of techniques. 

In business

Applied to the corporate world, anthropologists study consumer behavior, user experience, culture organization, human-technology interaction, value propositions, business models, and much more.

Their insights are one of the most reliable and deep in the industry, due to their ability to build scientific social information. 

Hipopótamo Hipopotesis
Hipopótamo Hipopotesis

I wasn't always here

Hi there, I was conceived in the green Asturias in 2016 and was born on the top of a beautiful mountain of Piloña, beyond the woods of a little charming town called San Feliz (Happy Saint). There, the founders of this company were spending a couple of weeks on a creative retreat.

Hipopotamo bebe en el agua

I like to think I'm the boss

From that time on, with great amounts of effort, slowly but surely I became the boss around here as you all know, and now I have really good employees working for me. Abdo López and Norah Walsh are my symbolic parents and I love deciding the future of this company with them and designing impactful researches for our clients.

hipopotamo con pisadas detrás y fondo blanco

My character

Let me tell you a little bit about the characteristics of my species. Of course, we hippopotamuses are often misunderstood, as companies are too. We seem calm, yet in our 50-year-old life, we are truly unstoppable. I bet you know we are extraordinary animals, right? Only outweighed by elephants on land and by whales on the ocean.

Our communication skills? Sophisticated like dolphins. Guess who are our closest relatives? The whales. Can you see the resemblance? We know what we want and aren’t afraid to go get it. As adults, we don’t have natural predators and we always keep our territory safe. Also, we are hybrids, we live between the water and the land perfectly, and our strength is powered mostly from vegetables.

Green is life, green is power.

Hipopotamo en un prado verde

My dreams

I have a dream. I want to leave a mark on this earth, which is to protect your company from bad decisions, bad information, bad research, and bad decision-making, and help it become of greater value for the people it serves.

At the same time, my goal is to protect consumers from bad products, services, and all kinds of frustrations. With better communication and understanding between companies and consumers, and being respectful to people, life, and the environment, I believe we truly can change the world company by company, product by product. 

Hipopotamo con su cría en el agua

Become a hipopotized company

I want you to incorporate some of my vision into your company, and good research is the best tool for that. A hippopotized company is one that weighs over 3.500kg and runs faster than any human, it’s well fed and knows and controls its territory like no other. It might not seem like it, but it’s fast, it’s agile, it’s smart, it’s sharp, and overall, it’s a survivor of survivors. 

Where there’s a Hipopotized company, there are fish, for we contribute to the environment greatly, helping dozens of species live better. 

Hipopotamo mirando a cámara

Our claim


Hippopotized companies are fierce.


Hippopotized companies crush their competitors.


As Hippopotized companies grow their environment grows with them.

Hipopotamo bostezando en el agua
Let's boost your company